St. Christopher’s parish men of age 18 or older are cordially invited to join the Holy Name Society. The HNS was founded in the 13th Century by Blessed John of Vercelli, a Dominican friar, in Europe at the request of the Pope Gregory X and the Council of Lyons, to spread devotion to the Name of Jesus. The Holy Name Society has supported Catholic parishes and Clergy for eight centuries.
Our chapter at St. Christopher’s parish has thrived due to the many benefits of being a member. These include spiritual enrichment: we attend Holy Mass together each 3rd Saturday of the month at 5:00 pm; we pray together (the Rosary) before each of our monthly meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (our Pastor also provides spiritual direction at all meetings): we attend men's retreats twice per year; and we have an annual parish men's (and sons) Communion Breakfast following the June Holy Name Mass. The keynote speakers at these breakfasts provide enriching spiritual talks. We also pray for and visit our sick members.
Another benefit is the satisfaction that members derive from charitable works: The Society contributes financially to the parish as well as several charities (including a sponsored poor child in Guatemala, and a seminary fund in India). Society members also work with the St. Vincent DePaul Society through contributions of donated time and dollars to assist in providing food for members of our community who are in need. The financial contributions are made possible through fundraising activities in which the members participate in assisting at many parish functions, including our monthly public breakfasts, annual family picnics, food sales at annual Apple Blossom and Hardscrabble festivals, and occasional raffle drives. Members participate voluntarily, as their availability permits.
A special request to all parish men: please consider joining and participating in the Holy Name Society. You are welcome to attend a monthly meeting to see for yourself what we do; if you like what you see and wish to join us, you would be heartily welcomed. Our meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. each 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Parish Center (except July and August). The meetings are preceded at 7:00 p.m. by the recitation of the Holy Rosary of Our lady. We look forward to seeing you there.
For any questions, call HNS President Rich Rose at 845-313-1666 or
“There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.”
– William P. Merrill
Saint Christopher's has an active music program with an Adult Choir and a Youth Choir.
The Adult Choir is a well established group providing the musical enhancement to the prayer at the Mass at St. Christopher’s each Sunday. The choir also participates in the celebration of the Holy Days surrounding Christmas and Easter as well as Confirmation and several other musical events throughout the year.
The group consists of over 30 members. We encourage families to sing together. Several of our members bring their children with them to sing in the choir. Due to the large enrollment we are able to allow our members to be flexible with their commitment. Pick a season, pick a Sunday of the month. Come to the rehearsals on Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm at the church and learn the basics. Then participate in the Mass in a very unique way when you are available.
Youth Choir practice is held on Wednesdays at 6pm in at the school. Adult Choir practice is held on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the church. For more information please contact our Music Director, Rick Nuzzo, at 845-514-3056.
Since 2015, the mission of our Prison Ministry has been to show God’s unconditional love by sending birthday greetings to men and women on death row, with the possibility of beginning a committed correspondence with some of the most marginalized people in the United States. Our activity can be carried out by meeting as a group to write and send our cards monthly, to as many prisoners as we are able, using the Church as the return address. We as a community grow in our Christian faith and compassion when we remember those forgotten by society.
For more information, please contact Rosemary Molloy through the Rectory at 845-758-3732.
What do we do:
Our activities focus on the following areas:
Educationto raise people’s awareness of the dignity of human life
Pastoral Assistancewe are called to serve the Gospel of Life by providing care to those in need
Public Policy Advocacyadvocacy for change in our law is also an integral part of a parish's pro-life mission
Prayer and Worshipthe most important part of the pro-life cause is spiritual activism -- celebrating the Gospel of life in our prayer and worship
The following Respect Life prayer activities are held regularly at St. Christopher’s – please join us.
Cenacle of Life - every Thursday at 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM in the Church. Cenacles of Life are prayer groups that pray two rosaries (ten mysteries). Each member fasts one day a week, as they are able, to end the culture of death.When do we meet:
Second Wednesday of each month (September thru June)
6:30 PM Rosary for Life – Chapel
7:00 PM Meeting – Parish Center
All women (18 years of age and older) of our parish are invited to join Our Lady’s Guild. This is a great way to fellowship with other faith-filled women and participate in the good works that we do for our church community!
The mission of Our Lady’s Guild is to promote the spirit of Christian fellowship within the parish of St. Christopher & St. Sylvia. We assist the Pastor by promoting/supporting fundraising activities for the benefit of the parish, cooperating with other parish groups, and performing special works as requested by the Pastor. We sponsor and organize fundraising events such as the Christmas Fair, Apple Blossom & Hardscrabble Day, and provide hospitality for parish social events. We have one monthly Mass dedicated to Our Lady at 7:30 am on the first Sunday of the month. In addition, we have one retreat a year.
The regular meetings of the Guild are held on the first Tuesday of each month. Please come to a meeting to see what we are all about! We always welcome new members. If you have any questions, please contact Our Lady’s Guild President, Cindy Fildes, at
“…I was thirsty and you gave me drink…” (Matthew 25:35)
Helping Hands for Others (H2O) is a new ministry at St. Christopher-St. Sylvia Parish. Our members help people in our community who have difficulty doing things because of age, sickness, disability, finances, etc. The only skill required is the desire to help and the time visiting is as important as the work being done. Our volunteers always work in groups of two or more. If interested in volunteering or if you need help please email us or call 845-235-5985.
"Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”
- Mother Teresa.